Friday, November 19, 2010

Austria -- parliament approves funding for Jewish cemeteries

Jewish cemetery, Eisenstadt, Austria. Photo (c) Ruth Ellen Gruber

The AP reports that the Austrian Parliament has approved €20 million euros for the restoration and upkeep of the more than 60 Jewish cemeteries around the country. As I reported at the time, the funds were initially pledged last December.
The bill foresees annual government payments of €1 million ($1.4 million) into a special fund over the next 20 years. The country's Jewish community will supplement the government's contributions each year through €1 million in donations.

The measure, which takes effect in 2011, also asks local municipalities where such cemeteries are located to maintain them for at least 20 years after they have been restored.
 The Austrian Jewish Community web site has an extensive page listing all the cemeteries and giving their history, size, location, condition and notes on any current or recent restoration efforts.
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